橫浜拉麵 Yokohama Ramen
承襲自日本橫浜的口味與訓練,位於南投埔里的橫浜拉麵自開幕後十數年來一直廣受當地歡迎,成為融合台灣與日本的代表性拉麵品牌。2024年,由於品牌進入擴店與升級的階段,因此委託我們設計視覺識別與品牌塑造。因應橫濱拉麵的品牌塑造方向,主體文字「橫濱」 參考了大量江戶時代常用的燈籠文字,並同時融合台灣常用厚實的楷體字,字體飽滿有力,略帶手寫的筆觸營造出當代的書法字體感受,而右方的小紅色印章標示「拉麵」,以紅色方形印章形式呈現,增添一絲復古感,同時提供了視覺上的對比,使整體設計更具色彩明度。正因橫浜拉麵的品牌定位不以嚴肅、古法著稱,而是融合台灣味道的自創口味,因此我們在地域感上刻意跳脫特定國家的風格,以當代而俐落的黑白色與大量描繪當地埔里人文特色的插畫,逐步構築出這個跳脫傳統拉麵的品牌形象。
Inspired by the flavours and techniques of Yokohama, Japan, Yokohama Ramen in Puli, Nantou, has been a local favourite for over a decade. As the brand entered a phase of expansion in 2024, we were commissioned to redesign its visual identity and branding. The primary typography for "橫濱" ("Yokohama") combines Edo-period lantern-style characters with Taiwan’s bold calligraphy, creating a full-bodied, handwritten feel. A red square seal with "拉麵" ("ramen") adds a retro touch and vibrant contrast. Reflecting the brand’s focus on innovative Taiwanese flavours rather than strict tradition, we adopted a sleek black-and-white palette and local Puli-inspired illustrations, crafting a modern and distinctive ramen brand image.
Inspired by the flavours and techniques of Yokohama, Japan, Yokohama Ramen in Puli, Nantou, has been a local favourite for over a decade. As the brand entered a phase of expansion in 2024, we were commissioned to redesign its visual identity and branding. The primary typography for "橫濱" ("Yokohama") combines Edo-period lantern-style characters with Taiwan’s bold calligraphy, creating a full-bodied, handwritten feel. A red square seal with "拉麵" ("ramen") adds a retro touch and vibrant contrast. Reflecting the brand’s focus on innovative Taiwanese flavours rather than strict tradition, we adopted a sleek black-and-white palette and local Puli-inspired illustrations, crafting a modern and distinctive ramen brand image.
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