Type Identity
Client Aikolove Liu
Design Ting-An Ho
Year 2014
Client Aikolove Liu
Design Ting-An Ho
Year 2014
類別 視覺識別
客戶 劉明群
設計 何庭安
年份 2014
客戶 劉明群
設計 何庭安
年份 2014

Info 專案背景
Liu has been directing music videos for a decade, with more than hundreds of works. He has worked with artists throughout the Chinese market and was nominated by the 21th Taiwan Golden Melody Award (GMA) as best music video director.
In 2009, Liu went to Singapore as one of the contestants in Asia’s first Creative Talent Search reality show . In 2014, Liu had directed his first TV series in Singapore, which was co-produced by Starhub and August Pictures.
在經過累積十餘年的影片、攝影與廣告作品後,以音樂錄影帶起家的劉明群於 2014 年決定開設自家影像工作室,並組成一支結合導演、製片、攝影、美術、後期等長才的團隊。因為過去在張震嶽、鄧福如、朱婧汐、徐佳瑩等歌手的MV中均有擔任過藝術指導、字體設計的合作經驗,我們與導演已經有一定的默契與品牌認知,因此受到委託規劃其工作室的識別形象。
In 2009, Liu went to Singapore as one of the contestants in Asia’s first Creative Talent Search reality show . In 2014, Liu had directed his first TV series in Singapore, which was co-produced by Starhub and August Pictures.
在經過累積十餘年的影片、攝影與廣告作品後,以音樂錄影帶起家的劉明群於 2014 年決定開設自家影像工作室,並組成一支結合導演、製片、攝影、美術、後期等長才的團隊。因為過去在張震嶽、鄧福如、朱婧汐、徐佳瑩等歌手的MV中均有擔任過藝術指導、字體設計的合作經驗,我們與導演已經有一定的默契與品牌認知,因此受到委託規劃其工作室的識別形象。

Brand Naming & Logo 品牌命名&標誌
The original name of the director's studio was, as his own name, called "Ming-Chun Liu Studio". However, regarding the name-catch strategy, using his own name wasn't the best idea for a company, especially for the Chinese marketing. After quite a few times we discussed, we take the last word of his name: “Chun” as the wordmark, so as the logotype.
為了避免上述的不協調,在尚未進入識別化、還沒發想視覺的階段,我們便基於策略考量,向導演建議「一個字給人的印象遠比三個字強」,其實沒有必要使用完整的姓名作為標誌。經過數度基調討論後,我們最終決定單取其姓名的最後一字「群」作為標準字(Logo & Logotype)以強化識別力道,並以此規劃標誌。
為了避免上述的不協調,在尚未進入識別化、還沒發想視覺的階段,我們便基於策略考量,向導演建議「一個字給人的印象遠比三個字強」,其實沒有必要使用完整的姓名作為標誌。經過數度基調討論後,我們最終決定單取其姓名的最後一字「群」作為標準字(Logo & Logotype)以強化識別力道,並以此規劃標誌。

Design Method 設計方法
For a studio like this doesn't need too much design. At first, I had been asked to design a flexible and ever-extend logo system. Nevertheless, I suggest the director that a single wordmark could meet their demands, and be a complete solution.
The word "Chun" means "Group" in Chinese. We take that as the original concept, within modern strokes and little design, transform it into an elegant logotype.
The word "Chun" means "Group" in Chinese. We take that as the original concept, within modern strokes and little design, transform it into an elegant logotype.

Branding Served
Hanzi ‧ Kanji ‧ Hanja
IdN Magazine
Computer Arts