Chang Chen-Yue - Welcome To Hua-Lian
Twenty years have passed between the release of Chang Chen-Yue (Also known as A-Yue) first album at age 19, ‘I Just Like You,’ and the release of his latest EP, ‘I Am Ayal Komod.’ As a young man of the A-mei tribe, Chang Chen-yue left the innocent life of his home county to come to the bustling hustle of the big city. Since then, he has transformed himself from an Aboriginal rocker to an island folk musician. His original street style gave way to a softer, gentler side as he continued to hear the call of his native land. As a result, we craft this music video for him. According to A-yue, however, this wasn’t really a return to his roots: “Actually, my essential nature has always remained the same.”
出道二十年後,張震嶽在 2013 年用《我是海雅谷慕》這張專輯宣誓了幾件事。首先是他明白的告訴大家他從何而來,對於一個相較之下「隱性」許多的原住民歌手,用海雅古慕等於選擇從原住民的角度開始創作,這和過去他那股玩世不恭的都會感顯然有了清楚的斷裂。
出道二十年後,張震嶽在 2013 年用《我是海雅谷慕》這張專輯宣誓了幾件事。首先是他明白的告訴大家他從何而來,對於一個相較之下「隱性」許多的原住民歌手,用海雅古慕等於選擇從原住民的角度開始創作,這和過去他那股玩世不恭的都會感顯然有了清楚的斷裂。

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