Vision Get Wild 放視大賞 2O24
2024放視大賞,以「光芒」為呼召的主概念。提及設計比賽,大多人會將它和畢業、得獎、時事、議題等詞彙聯想,但今年我們的主視覺概念非常單純,僅強調來自「作品本身的光芒」。正因為這很有可能是學生們僅有一次、甚至可能是踏入職場前最後一次的高光時刻,我們將此概念化作主視覺意象,以銳利的星芒符號,衍伸出主視覺標準字,與它背後的意義—— 不要圓滑,要尖銳。不要隱諱,要發光。不只是好設計,也要是你自己喜歡的設計。
The 2024 Vision Get Wild, centered around the overarching concept of "Sparkles." Our main visual concept is exceptionally simple, solely emphasizing the "Sparkles from the works themselves." Due to the likelihood that this might be students' only, or even potentially their last, shining moment before entering the workforce, we have transformed this concept into the primary visual image. Utilizing sharp starburst symbols, we derive the main logotype and convey the underlying message: Be sharp, don’t be smooth. Shine, don't hide. It's not just about good design; it's about designs you personally love. This primary visual communicates a certain attitude: We anticipate diverse concepts and styles, encourage students to delve into topics they are genuinely interested in, hope everyone creates the world they aspire to, and most importantly, we want everyone to present works they truly love.
The 2024 Vision Get Wild, centered around the overarching concept of "Sparkles." Our main visual concept is exceptionally simple, solely emphasizing the "Sparkles from the works themselves." Due to the likelihood that this might be students' only, or even potentially their last, shining moment before entering the workforce, we have transformed this concept into the primary visual image. Utilizing sharp starburst symbols, we derive the main logotype and convey the underlying message: Be sharp, don’t be smooth. Shine, don't hide. It's not just about good design; it's about designs you personally love. This primary visual communicates a certain attitude: We anticipate diverse concepts and styles, encourage students to delve into topics they are genuinely interested in, hope everyone creates the world they aspire to, and most importantly, we want everyone to present works they truly love.

Making Of

Full Credit ::
Client: 放視大賞
Art direction: 何庭安 Ting-An Ho (lose 2kg this week)
Graphic Design: 何庭安 Ting-An Ho,李若菩 Ruopu Li ( stargazy pie yum yum)
Technical direction: 吳克軍 KeJyun Wu (NYC! NYC!)
Detection programming: 陳韋安 @chwan1 (why no coffee)
Interactive programming: 吳克軍 KeJyun Wu 陳廷愷 tingkai.xyz
Special thanks: 顏晧真 Hauzhen Yen,莊沛璿 Peixuan Chuang
Casting / Model: 張雅晴 YC.153
Filming: 伯樂影像 Bole studio
Printing: 感官印件 Sensations PrintingStage Design: 必應創造 B’ins Live
Year: 2024