實驗之事,至關重要。UNobject 這個藝術品牌帶來一種獨特的視野,一種全新的設計理念,他們將材料視為主角,將工藝本身視作特性,並期許他們成為未來創作者與設計師的平台,並於今年在義大利米蘭的麗塔宮首次亮相。不停延伸、不斷流動、不放過任何實驗的機會。他們的Logo依此而生。
Experimental matters. UNobject brings a unique vision and a novel design philosophy that places materials at the forefront, viewing craftsmanship as its essence. Aspiring to become a platform for future creators and designers, they invited me to design their brand logo. Ever-evolving, continuously flowing, and seizing every opportunity for experimentation, their logo was born from this vision.
Experimental matters. UNobject brings a unique vision and a novel design philosophy that places materials at the forefront, viewing craftsmanship as its essence. Aspiring to become a platform for future creators and designers, they invited me to design their brand logo. Ever-evolving, continuously flowing, and seizing every opportunity for experimentation, their logo was born from this vision.
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