STUDIO 411 ::
專案詳述 Case StudyType Branding
Client STUDIO 411
Design Ting-An Ho
Year 2014
Client STUDIO 411
Design Ting-An Ho
Year 2014
類別 品牌識別
客戶 STUDIO 411
設計 何庭安
年份 2014
客戶 STUDIO 411
設計 何庭安
年份 2014

Info 設計背景
STUDIO 411 was founded in 2014, serving works in branding, motion graphics, corporate identity and fine arts projects. They do not only focus on cool visual effects, but also dedicate to provide branding and identity design by integrating filmmaking arts and digital technology in CG/VFX.
STUDIO 411 成立於 2014 年,提供從動畫、廣告、電影,以至後製特效的影像工作室。這間工作室不只專於製作酷炫的動畫與特效,更致力於為品牌及企業提供明確的設計與創意,並精準針對客戶的需求,創造出驚人的視覺作品。他們的作品以前衛科技的風格及精緻的畫面著稱,作品內充滿新穎的動態符號,並呈現科技與實用並駕的視覺語言。為了調整將工作室的對內文化與對外形象一致,因此在 2014 年啟動了品牌識別開發專案。
STUDIO 411 成立於 2014 年,提供從動畫、廣告、電影,以至後製特效的影像工作室。這間工作室不只專於製作酷炫的動畫與特效,更致力於為品牌及企業提供明確的設計與創意,並精準針對客戶的需求,創造出驚人的視覺作品。他們的作品以前衛科技的風格及精緻的畫面著稱,作品內充滿新穎的動態符號,並呈現科技與實用並駕的視覺語言。為了調整將工作室的對內文化與對外形象一致,因此在 2014 年啟動了品牌識別開發專案。

Brand Strategy 品牌策略
When the studio approached me to create their visual identity they came with a tight brief, asking for a simple, adaptive and responsive logo that could live constantly evolving brand.

Design Concept 概念發想

Design Execution 視覺開發階段
In order to get the very essence of the studio, we reduce the graphics to the most basic unit of the digital image: the PIXEL. Although image quality has constantly improved over recent years, a good animation is still based on a great idea, not just on technique.
Since the logomarks are simple pixels, which are animated, extended and equalised to match the style of studio. The pixels are distinct, simple black and white forms that allow the brand’s creative work to come to the fore. The logos’ movement represents the ever-changing rendering images, this simplicity is practical in application and descriptive in nature, reflecting the behind-the-scenes and working nature of the studio.
Since the logomarks are simple pixels, which are animated, extended and equalised to match the style of studio. The pixels are distinct, simple black and white forms that allow the brand’s creative work to come to the fore. The logos’ movement represents the ever-changing rendering images, this simplicity is practical in application and descriptive in nature, reflecting the behind-the-scenes and working nature of the studio.

The pixel serves to remind STUDIO 411 of this, and that even through it's east to get carried away with visual effects, even a low-bit system can make a strong corporate identity if it has real style behind it.

Visual Identity Systemn 視覺識別規劃

Branding Served
Type Player 3
Computer Arts
10th Asia Pacific Design