DigiWave 2020: 無條件進位 CeilToInt();
DigiWave 是一個以「科技」為主軸的慶典,叁式受託為其策劃展覽內容,並由我們提供形象塑造與視覺設計。我們冀望透過 DigiWave 對「科技帶來的影響」的重要議題提出大哉問,不只是之於環境或經濟,而是對於人類未來何去何從的終極質問,於是擬出了今年的命題:「無條件進位」。若所取位數之右數字非零,則強制進位,不容有他——這種義無反顧,正是我們對於未來的態度。
The team is lucky to be invited to plan the 2020 DigiWave “CeilToInt();” which is a celebration focused on technology. “Technology,” in all its aspects, has always been something the team paid a lot of attention to. Therefore, we were even more certain that the core momentum for the continuous advancement of technology is the imagination of the future. So, we proposed the concept of “CeilToInt();” as a tribute to the creators and practitioners who have never hesitated to take the step into their imagined future.
Regarding this concept, we raised four future events as questions:
“The moment when we are unable to recognize a machine from a person”;
“The moment when we can arbitrarily define what a body is” ;
“The moment when we cannot distinguish what is real and what is virtual”;
“The moment when we discover other civilizations in the universe”
In the end, when the image needs to stop, which moment would you choose to stay at?
The team is lucky to be invited to plan the 2020 DigiWave “CeilToInt();” which is a celebration focused on technology. “Technology,” in all its aspects, has always been something the team paid a lot of attention to. Therefore, we were even more certain that the core momentum for the continuous advancement of technology is the imagination of the future. So, we proposed the concept of “CeilToInt();” as a tribute to the creators and practitioners who have never hesitated to take the step into their imagined future.
Regarding this concept, we raised four future events as questions:
“The moment when we are unable to recognize a machine from a person”;
“The moment when we can arbitrarily define what a body is” ;
“The moment when we cannot distinguish what is real and what is virtual”;
“The moment when we discover other civilizations in the universe”
In the end, when the image needs to stop, which moment would you choose to stay at?
Type Event VIS
Cu Ultracombos
Producer Ke Jyun Wu
AD Ting-An Ho
MG Ting-An Ho, Ke Jyun Wu, 1000 Cheng, Mal Liu
Sup Chianing Cao, a step design studio, ACnD, Chia Yun Sung, MS Yu
Space Atelier Lets
Sound Triodust
Year 2020
類別 活動識別 / 策展
客戶 產業策進會
策展 叁式
製作人 吳克軍
視覺統籌 何庭安
視覺 何庭安,吳克軍,鄭詒謙,劉怡萱
協力 曹家寧,一步,安根,宋佳芸,余孟軒
空間 辜達齊
聲音 黃鎮洋
年份 2020
Cu Ultracombos
Producer Ke Jyun Wu
AD Ting-An Ho
MG Ting-An Ho, Ke Jyun Wu, 1000 Cheng, Mal Liu
Sup Chianing Cao, a step design studio, ACnD, Chia Yun Sung, MS Yu
Space Atelier Lets
Sound Triodust
Year 2020
類別 活動識別 / 策展
客戶 產業策進會
策展 叁式
製作人 吳克軍
視覺統籌 何庭安
視覺 何庭安,吳克軍,鄭詒謙,劉怡萱
協力 曹家寧,一步,安根,宋佳芸,余孟軒
空間 辜達齊
聲音 黃鎮洋
年份 2020

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